
PD Crack Down On Drugs W New Informant Miss Alissa Longo Torrington CT

Amee01M720689442021.02.17 14:34Views 84006Comment 0

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PD Crack Down on Drugs w New Informant Miss Longo Torrington CT

More than ever, Police are using paid and unpaid informants, like Alissa Longo of Torrington CT,  to help them crack down on and catch drug dealers in the state of Connecticut. The way it works is someone who has committed a drug related offense can be offered a reduced or even eliminated prison sentence or legal penalty by agreeing to work to with town, state or even nationwide departments to help find and prosecute illegal drug dealers in the state.

Alissa Longo Torrington Connecticut 2nd violation of probation arrest record.

The informant meets with a drug dealer, oftentimes supplied with marked bills to purchase the drugs. Often the mere word and testimony of a police informant is enough to enable the police to obtain a court warrant to arrest the person the informant purchased drugs from. Paid drug related informants are often call snitches, rats or scabs by people. One such alleged drug dealer of Torrington CT with the nickname of KAT had her door broken down by the police because of rat an informants statements. It is believed by many the informant was Alissa Longo.

One of the newest suspected informants includes Miss Alissa Longo of Torrington Ct. Miss Alongo's criminal record is longo and deep and includes...

  • Robbing a Taco Belle at knifepoint (2007).

  • Mugging an old lady, stealing her purse (2007).

Miss Longo of Torrington was released after serving approximately 8 years in prison. As a condition of Miss Longo's early release, she was given several years of probation. Because of her addiction to drugs, including cocaine, crack cocaine and heroin, Miss Longo's more recent criminal charges include:

  • Violation of probation 1st offense. Miss Longo agreed to 30 days of a free drug rehabilitation program to avoid criminal prosecution of the violation of probation offense.

  • Violation of probation 2nd offense, August 2020. Miss Longo was sent to Niantic prison for women for a period of 60 days because of the second violation of probation.

  • In no more than 30 days after this prison release, Miss Longo again committed crime (stealing shrimp) to support her drug habit at the Torrington Stop & Shop Friday eve 12/18/2020.

A list of all of Alissa Longo's current criminal charges, visit the website and enter her last name, Longo.

It is believed she is an informant for several reasons:

  1. She was released from Niantic prison (as noted above) on $0 bond which was previously $100,000. In addition, the day she was released she did not even have a court date.

  2. Miss Longo sent a letter from prison to a person she was in a relationship with attempting to blackmail him stating the if he (her lover) did not bail her out she was going to go to the Torrington police with a photograph she has of her love and a drug dealer holding a bag of drugs.
    You can see a copy of that letter from Alissa Longo below.

  3. Oftentimes on the Torrington PD police scanner, listeners have heard policeman announce they are going offline or off air to meet with informant Longo. Within 10 - 15 minutes after that transmission, Miss Longo has been seen walking to the high street Stop & Shop getting into an undercover squad car.

  4. Alissa Longo's roommate has stated that Miss Longo admitted to being an informant.

  5. Most lately, re-arrest warrants have been issued for Miss Alissa Longo's arrest. Most often this is because a person did not follow some court ordered action meaning either informant Alissa did not appear for court on a specified date or she failed to appear to a probation meeting or failed to meet probation requirements. Even though the Torrington PD was notified of this re-arrest warrant and were told exactly where to find Miss Alissa Longo, they did NOTHING and she is still free.

While the state of Connecticut certainly allows leeway for police informants because they are providing the state a valuable service. It seems as though Miss Longo thinks she can get away with anything because of her informant status and for now it seems the town of Torrington is letting Alissa Longo get away with anything, but the town of Torrington CT and the state of Connecticut will only allow Miss Longo and other drug informants off the hook for so long.

Being a police informant is NOT a lifetime get out of jail free card.

Letter sent from Alissa Longo, Torrington 06790, to lover when she was in Niantic prison, theatening to snitch on her lover and a drug dealer if her lover does not bail her out of jail.

Amee01M72068944 (비회원)
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